26 July 2011
Even with our abysmal garden, we collected enough basil to produce about 20 cups of pesto. That should keep Doe Run and several of our close friends in pesto through the winter.
23 July 2011
Requiescat in Pace -- Amy Winehouse
William Shatner & Ballet

Never did I expect to find William Shatner speaking eloquently about ballet, but there he was.
So the story goes like this:
William Shatner after finding himself one more than one Golden Throats compilations really wanted to make some music...

Shatner enlists Ben Folds who totally gets what Shatner wants and brings his enormous talent to the project...

They produce a very interesting album entitled Has Been.

Choreographer Margo Sappington (who as a mere tot co-wrote, choreographed, and performed in the musical, Oh! Calcutta!) hears Has Been on NPR and calls Shatner and asks to turn it into a ballet and he says sure.

So William Shatner's Common People debuts at the Milwaukee Ballet on 15 February 2007. It is a big hit.

After that, a documentary is inevitable and so we have William Shatner's Gonzo Ballet.

This is totally watchable and quite fun. It is coming soon to Netflix, so add it to the queue.
22 July 2011
18 July 2011
Romantic Moderns

It is a rather scholarly tome and was a bit hard to find. I had ordered it several times only to find it was out of stock. After several months I found a copy in England that came after four weeks a bit worse for wear from its' journey. It is beautifully bound on heavy stock and filled with photos. Harris' premise is that while modernism was often a violent break with the past, English Modernism saw the "modern" as not the least bit at odds with the its past.
While the title of the books mentions artists and writers, Harris takes a much broader, inclusive approach to a cultural history. She looks at "writers and artists" who wrote not only poetry and fiction, but writers who wrote about food and gardens and travel.
Starting with the ever present Mrs. Beeton and her tarted up "European" recipes, Harris points out that painter Roger Fry was fascinated by regional food and often "carried around with him a huge Provencal cooking pot." Interest in food became less about the grandiose Victorian feasts and more about the one-pot meals from the English countryside.
When Ronald and Nancy Tree decided to redesign the gardens at their home, Ditchley Park they chose Geoffery Jellicoe. Jellicoe took his visions of Italy and moulded them into the English countryside working to bring "history and the modern 'psyche' into alliance."

There are nods to Cecil Beaton's Ashcombe and the fascination with baroque and rococo. Rex Whistler took inspiration from the Cornish fishing village of Clovelly which became, "a toile-de-jouy fabric with cherub-edged capriccios and fountains of Neptune."
Writers abound. The Bloomsbury clan is here. W. H Auden mixes with Evelyn Waugh. The Sitwells make appearances.
Roger Fry, Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell continued the English tradition of landscapes and still life but with a decidedly modern twist.
Angus McBean incorporated high Victorian decoration into surrealism displaying celebrity as curio.

Angus McBean Beatrice Lillie 'Surrealised', 1940
Harris' broad and sweeping survey of this period in English history beautifully draws together disparate threads and weaves them into a cultural tapestry. The book is well worth the price for the images alone, be it gardens, architecture, design, paintings, and photography, they fill the pages and clearly prove her point that the English were modernists tinged with their own eccentric flair.

15 July 2011
The Weather... Sucks

10 July 2011
That's Why They Call It...
09 July 2011
08 July 2011
The One That Got Away

As I mentioned earlier, Teddy has a tote board of death detailing his prodigious hunting exploits this summer. (Though not as great as some of our readers cats -- yes you J.W.) On the Fourth, Teddy came running in and missed seeing his catch which he released in the living room only to recapture in the kitchen.

Since the chipmunk was still very much alive, I managed to capture Teddy and his prey and preceded to make Teddy give up little Simon. Just as Teddy let go and Simon made a break for it, Kitty Carlisle took over.

I managed to block her path as Simon scurried up the lilac bush.

I locked up both chipmunk offenders and made sure Simon had recovered sufficiently. After posing for the camera, he jumped to the oak tree and lived to fight another day.
07 July 2011
David Tanis' Bean Salad

I have been without a refrigerator for 3 weeks. Actually, I own the refrigerator, I just don't have it in my possession, but that is a long and ugly story. I recently watched a docudramatization of what the world would be like after the apocalypse. We would basically be screwed. Not counting the marauding gangs of hungry children that would kill you for a root vegetable (according to this program gangs of vicious children would be about the worst thing after the apocalypse), there would be the general problem of what to do without television to watch docudramatizations. For that matter, what would we do without electricity or the refrigerator that is run by electricity. Which brings me to my recent dilemma of not having a refrigerator and realizing, quite dramatically, what I use the refrigerator for every day.
There has been a lot of eating out of the garden. Recently at Cookbook Of The Day, I wrote about David Tanis' Heart of the Artichoke. I love Tanis because he really loves the "food" that food is made of and not just the allure of being a chef. He works at Chez Panisse, so that might just have something to do with his approach. I had seen a recipe for Green Bean Salad with Pickled Shallots. I had also left the cookbook on my desk, so I wasn't sure of the exact recipe, but I knew that having seen his recipe, I could replicate it even without his book. Here is the recipe:
Green Bean Salad with Pickled Shallots
3 large shallots
Salt and Pepper
3 tablespoons sherry vinegar
2 pounds small green beans, topped and tailed
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon finely slivered chives
Peel the shallots and slice crosswise. Put them in a small bowl, season well with salt and pepper, add the vinegar. let sit for a half hour.
Boil the green beans in a large pot of salted water for 3 to 5 minutes, until just past the crunchy. Spread them out to cool. Just before you serve the salad, put the green beans in a bowl and season well with salt and pepper. Whisk the olive oil into the shallots and vinegar, then add the dressed shallots to the beans. Toss well, transfer to a platter or serving bowl, and sprinkle with chives.
In that great cooking tradition: I had no green beans, only yellow beans. I had no shallots, only fresh onions. I had no sherry vinegar, but I did have white balsamic. I had chives but I used parsley. Oh yes, and I had no refrigerator! I didn't "tail" my beans. That is a very American thing to do. The French just leave them and I am more inclined to do that, especially since I grew the beans. Here is my:
Yellow Bean Salad with Pickled Onions.

03 July 2011
Musical Sundays
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