28 August 2014

Woodcuts by Loren Kantor

I have always had a fondness for woodcuts.  The stark contrast of the black and white leaves no room for error.  When I saw Loren Kantor's Virginia Woolf, it was all the more evident that this medium reveals just enough of the subject to be familiar, but it withholds as much as it reveals. 

You can look at Tom Waits and hear the rolling gravel in his voice.

If you have never been to the Canyon Country Store, if you have never heard Jim Morrison sing about the "store where the creatures meet," you might just want to visit after seeing this.

Check out Loren's website for more of his woodcuts.


  1. I've never thought greatly about woodcuts. But you're right - they're very striking!

  2. So talented. I was instantly enamored with Loren Kantor‘s striking woodcuts and linocuts inspired by her favorite classic films and actors.
