27 August 2014

No Fuss Veggie Sorbet

How many times has this happened to you?  You are sitting on the settee in lounging pajamas reading Photoplay and eating bonbons when the hubby calls and says he is bringing home the boss for dinner.  What's a girl to do?   Come on, that never happens unless you watch reruns of I Love Lucy.

But what if you do need a quick and easy dish for company?  Here's our newest favorite.

Let me begin by saying, I love a long complicated recipe.  Two days, three days, I once attempted a glacé fruit recipe that took 8 days.  Don't ask!  

If a recipe calls for some new piece of kitchen paraphernalia, I am all in.  But sometimes, a classy no-brainer is a great thing.   So here is a quick and easy recipe that involves no cooking and will make you a culinary star. 

This is a sorbet that you can use as an appetizer, a salad, a palate cleanser, or dessert, depending o on how you dress it up.  I like it best as a salad, it is after all, veggies, and its much more fun than that bag of chopped radicchio.

Lucinda's Salad Sorbet

1 bottle Naked Berry Veggie juice
1 ice cream maker

Pour juice in ice cream maker.  Process about 25 minutes.  Place in a container in the freezer till ready to use.

Plain is fine, but for a salad course, try serving it with a few vegetable chips, some candied carrots or beets, or some pickled blueberries or grapes.

Not to mention there are tons, tons of fruit concoctions out there just dying to make and appearance on your table.  Kale Blazer is my next fave sorbet.   Think about it a bowl or raw, chopped kale or wine glass of kale sorbet?  

As a dessert add some macerated berries with a bit of sugar to boost the sweetness.  

Go on, use your imagination and be sure to send photos!

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