31 July 2014

Cocktails At The Burn Pit -- Sharknado 2

Why did they decide to premiere Sharknado 2 on a Wednesday night.  Everyone knows that watching Sharknado 2 required copious amounts of alcohol.  Yes, perhaps a Wednesday would have been a good night for Sharktopus 2, but Sharknado... come on.  If you are like most people, you taped it to watch this weekend after several drinks.

We though about  frozen, blue drinks but none were around.  If you have someplace with blue Icees, do grab a couple.  In lieu of that we though of a nice, fruity, sparkling drink that would work with, or without the Sharknado swizzle stick.

Blackbarb Fizz

1 ounce Art in the Age Rhuby Rhubarb Tea
4 drops orange bitters
Izze Sparkling Blackberry

Add the Rhuby and bitters to a tall glass of ice.  Fill to the top with Izze Blackberry.  Stir with a Sharknado Swizzle stick.  Or a plain swizzle stick.

I promise that the Sharknado swizzle stick is very cool on the initial spin.  With each additional spin, the gummy sharks get a bit limp, much like the plot of Sharknado 2.  To make one, all you need are some gummy sharks, several pieces of wire at varying lengths. (We found unfolded paper clips were just sturdy enough.) A bamboo skewer and a bit of tape.  Cut the bamboo to a height just above your glass.  Then tape on the wires, skew the gummy sharks.  Give it a spin.  In retrospect, we would freeze the gummy sharks first to make them easier to work with.  Go ahead give it a try.

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