17 March 2014

Cocktails At the Burn Pit -- Birthday Edition

Yes, it was Pisces birthday week and it so cold we definitely needed a burn pit.

Let us step back to the end of February (still in Pisces mode) when it was cold and dreary.  We bought several bags of Meyer lemons and made marmalade and jelly. Sweet and tart and the perfect curative for that pesky scurvy.

Now fast forward to birthday which needed the perfect libation with a minimum of work.  The second the Meyer Lemon Jelly was in the jar, we knew it would be the most awesome cocktail ingredient.  Our drink of choice is a gin based French 75. We uncorked the richly botanical Botanist Gin (thanks for the recommendation Pigtown Design), added the jelly and topped off with prosecco.  The perfect French 75 with no work.

French 75

1 teaspoon Meyer Lemon Jelly
1 ounce Botanist Gin

In a champagne flute (about six ounces) add the jelly and gin.  Give a quick stir.  Top off with prosecco.

Happy Birthday to Me! 

Besides having a cocktail, the plan was to bake a cake. A chocolate cake. Then, at the Post Office, Postmistress Nelda delivered a cake with the mail. We have the best Post Office here in Shirley (or perhaps the best postmistress.)

And they want to close the Post Office. Shame on them.


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday to You !

  2. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you! I'm a big fan of Meyer lemons. Have you published your recipe for Meyer Lemon Jelly previously?

  3. Thanks for the B'day wishes! JudyMac, I thought I published the recipe but I did not. I had a little less than a pound of Meyer Lemons and they made 2 cups of juice. I added an slightly less than equal amount of sugar, but I like tart. Equal is fine. One packet of Ball dry pectin which is about 3 Tablespoons. I don't like my preserves solid, so I tend to use a bit less pectin than suggested. Put the pectin in a small cup and add a bit of hot water to get the lumps out. Bring the juice and sugar to a rolling boil. Pour in the pectin and cook another full minute at a rolling boil. Fill your prepared jars. Mine made five 4 ounce jars.

    1. Thanks muchly--will put in my recipe file! I fell in love with Meyers several years ago when I stopped at a roadside stand in central Florida. The seller had a couple of boxes of these lemons (box size that a dozen reams of paper comes in) that a neighbor had given him to sell from a tree in her yard. I bought only a few and then later wished I had bought the entire lot to share with friends as he was selling them dirt cheap. We live and learn.
