15 February 2014

The Trouble with Photographing Snow

Today's snow looks like...


Valentine's Day snow. Yesterday's snow looks a lot like the Thursday snow.


Thursday's snow looks like Monday's snow.

This week's snow looks like last week 's snow.


Last week's snow looks like last month's snow.



And snow it goes...



  1. Replies
    1. Without it I would be that woman on TV whose neighbor says, "She seemed quite. she would wave...then she just went crazy."

  2. But with your eye we get to enjoy the varied visual pleasures of snow without putting on our boots and gloves.

  3. You are so funny. I was heading across Lake Shore Drive the other day, to get some shots of the new-fallen snow in the park before it got all mucked-up when I realized the same thing: I already have those photos. What's the point? I did, however, have a nice walk.

    1. If I wasn't funny I would probably be in jail! But I would have a lovely collection of snow pictures to trade for cigarettes!

  4. The big long icicles are really beautiful!

  5. Replies
    1. Normally, I am a big fan of "all white" but I am tired of it, now!
