19 February 2014


We love the 1920's.  We love group biographies.  We loved Judith Mackrell's first biography, Bloomsbury Ballerina.  So Flappers was a no-brainer.

We have read extensive and multiple biographies of all six women Mackrell features in her book:
 Josephine Baker, Tallulah Bankhead, Diana Cooper, Nancy Cunard, Zelda Fitzgerald, and Tamara de Lempicka. Having them all in one book set specifically in the 1920's is just too fun.

The women are framed by a history of seismic shifts for women.  We could tell you about gender, race, and sexuality or we could share with you these photos.   Just one look and will want to read the book.

Josephine Baker

Diana Cooper

Nancy Cunard

Tallulah Bankhead

Tamara de Lempicka

Zelda Fitzgerald
Of course you might just know that two of these "dangerous" women were raised in Alabama.  Bless their wild little hearts.

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