06 February 2014

Cocktails At The Burn Pit


Not to sound like a big old broken record, but it is cold. It is snowy and miserable. Working outside is out of the question. If we ever needed a burn pit it is now. So, let's have some cocktails.


We are, however, advocating virtuous drinking. Yes, there is alcohol, but there is juice too.


So, one day, while juicing carrots, I realized there was an excellent opportunity for a cocktail. When I bought the juicer I had healthy reasons. The second I cranked up the juicer, I realized its profound use as a cocktail agent. I feel the same thing when canning. Yes, jams and jellies are great on toast, but they are even better after a toast.

Put them all together, and you have a cocktail.

The Bunny Mary

4 carrots
1 orange, peeled
1 small knob of ginger
1 teaspoon marmalade
2 ounces grapefriut vodka

Juice the carrots, orange, and ginger. Mix in the marmalade and stir, then add the vodka and give it a final stir. Garnish with a bit of orange peel.

The Bunny Mary, breakfast of champions! And lunch of champions.



  1. I made orange-ginger marmalade a few weeks ago, so I definitely need to make this cocktail!

  2. This sounds fabulous. I'm a marmalade whore. Especially Seville orange marmalade, the more bitter the better. Can't wait to give this a go. I don't have a juicer, but will get creative. Thank you for this!
