09 October 2012

Cocktails At The Burn Pit -- Rehoboth Beach

"Old Rehoboth Beach" by Paul McGehee

We ventured off to old Rehoboth, actually to new Rehoboth, where a friend has just completed building a house.  As you know, each new adventure requires a new cocktail.   After scouting the various liquor stores of Rehoboth and surrounding areas...(Hmmmm, that sounds like it might just be a great job ... a tour of the great liquor stores of Delaware...but I digress.)

What was I telling you, gentle readers...oh yes, we gathered up, in addition to the Dog Fish Punk Ale and a couple of cases of wine, a bottle of Square One Cucumber Vodka. 

We added a bottle of Thatcher's Elderflower Liqueur, which some drink snobs favor over the more sweetened St. Germain.

Cocktails ensued!

I Just Built a New House and I Need a Drink Cocktail

1 ounce Thatcher's Elderflower Liqueur
2 ounces Square One Cucumber Vodka

Pull a glass from the empty, glass front, cherry wood cabinets that you haven't had time to fill.

Fill the glass with ice which comes from the new refrigerator, equipped with an automatic ice-maker, that came with your new house.

Add the liqueur and the vodka acquired on the Lucindaville Tour of the Liquor Stores of Delaware.

Top off with your favorite brand of lemonade, housed in the new refrigerator. 

Stir with an ink pen or leftover chop stick, as the furnishings are sparse.

Sit down on the new sofa in front of the new fireplace and enjoy.


  1. sounds delicious! I've never had Thatchers but will have to look for it - St Germain always seemed much too sweet.

  2. This sounds to be a great drink that I must try. Thanks for sharing on how to do it.
