20 March 2012

New Chickens

Spring has arrived and so have our new chickens. While they are supposed to be true free range birds, the new chickens, for the most part, are staying in a rather confined space. It will take them a week or two to get comfortable, but soon they will be out and about.

A small group did venture out but soon tried vigilantly to get into the greenhouse.

Teddy explained if he couldn't get in, neither could they and they dispersed quickly.

In addition to chickens, we have added a new item to our collection of chicken books. This is actually a two volume set produced for the 1933 Chicago World's Fair entitled Eggs. Book I features all that was new and innovative in chicken rearing. It featured many of the new technologies including a slew of young women in lab smocks and zippy chapeaux who sorted, candled and cracked eggs.

It would seem that one of the newest innovations in egg production was actually transportation. Eggs were cracked into large vats and frozen for later use at bakeries. It was all the rage.

For a less frozen idea, check out Book II: The Best of Food Eggs and Poultry at Cookbook Of The Day.

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