17 December 2011

Trick and Treat



This is one of those "swamped at the holidays" seasons. I have been running around wildly from Boston to DC and places in between. So last week I was chided for not mentioning the new additions to our family.

On Halloween, I returned home to find a little kitten "trick" on my steps.

Trick and Treat eating with the chickens the day after Halloween.

I was not amused. Later I was looking out the window and thought, that kitten didn't look that fluffy... of course, there was a Treat to go with the Trick.

Two nights before I left for Boston, I heard a kitten crying. It upset my cats, and the crying got louder. I investigated and found this little "Phantom of the Opera" face staring up from the heating grate in the bathroom. Treat had managed to get into the heating ducts. I removed the duct cover and he cam up into the house. The next day I got Trick in because I was leaving and didn't want a dead kitten in my heating ducts.

After I returned, I got the duct repaired and the crawl space covered. My friend Ann was coming out for Thanksgiving and I asked her to help me tame them enough to take them to the kitty jail. Ann arrived with a gigantic bag of kitten food, matching bowls and a bag of toys. Needless to say, they did not make it to the kitty jail.

Trick trying to get to the turkey.

So here they are. I am now gradually moving toward being the cat lady of Lucindaville.


  1. You knew you were going to hear from me after I saw this post. They are adorable.

  2. funny pictures,
    Trick and Treat other than that it is also very helpful at all

  3. J. W., I knew you would be a big old enabler!

  4. Cat lady's rule!! Beautiful little monsters ;-)

  5. what a lovely cat! I wonder if if you have more pictures of this adorable creature!
