13 August 2011

Without My Yacht

Lucindaville loves Ethelind Fearon. We have a profound hope that someone out there knew Ethelind Fearon and will contact us and tell us stories. We haven't found any of Fearon's friends yet, but we are hopeful.

At some point in the late 1950's, Fearon took off to the south of France to live and write. Bookcases strain under the weight of those, "I-have-gone-to-France-and-I-will tell-you how-great-my-life-is-now." And yes, we buy every last one of them. In fact, we could probably live in France if we had all the $$$ we have spent on those books, but I digress....

If you, too, are a sucker for these books, you should definitely read Fearon's take on the south of France. She writes:

"This is no guide, merely a faithful exposition of a countenance intimately explored, with indications of particular delight, as and when they occurred. Not only the things visible, but those absorbed by all the altered senses. The snatch of an old Provencal song through an open window, the infinite, unwinking immobility of a turquoise lizard on the balustrade of the terrace in June, the scent of hot fig prunings, vine flowers or orange blossoms; the song of the nightingales at midday as one lies under the olive trees; the rhythmic fretting of tall tethered yachts whose strained ropes creak to every lapping wave."

Without My Yacht is the next best thing to actually being in the south of France. Of course, we would much rather be there.

As for women with yachts, check out The Woman's Guide to Boating and Cooking at Cookbook Of The Day.


  1. Thanks for the name of the auther. I will certainly read one of her books.
    You are a long way from Provence.
    Wishing you a great weekend

  2. Marvelous, marvelous title (and I think I'll have it engraved on my coat of arms)

  3. awesome books! I wonder if you have more from these authors it would be so interesting!

  4. I inherited a copy of "Herbs: How to Grow, Treat and Use Them" from my mother. I think it probably belonged to her mother before her. I love the book and would love to know more about her and own some of her other titles. Some of the recipes seem very French and could be made today. Others seem more out of fashion: Pig's Heart Soup, anyone? Nice to discover someone else who's a fan!

  5. Deirdre, You have one that I don't have -- "Herbs: How To Grow..." I adore Ethelind Fearon and have posted numerous titles. I keep hoping that someone who knew her or knows something about her would contact me, but no luck! Keep collecting! Her gardening books are a joy.

  6. Hello Lucindaville
    Thanks for your posts. I'm studying a Fearon's book on Spain and would like to know more about her and her biography. Could you help me? Thanks

    1. Been trying for years to find info about Fearon. Closest I came was finding someone who knew one of her children. I'll keep looking, though!
