20 May 2011

Happy Birthday Levi's

Levi Strauss

Jeans come and jeans go but nobody outlasts Levi's. On May 20, 1873, Levi Strauss and his partner Jacob Davis introduced the world's first blue jeans. And the rest, as they say, is history...

Jennifer Anniston wearing Levi's that look like they might actually be from the very first shipment!

Johnny Depp dressed up for a movie premiere. He went to the trouble of patching his Levi's for this glamorous occasion.

Barack Obama's Levi's seem nicely pressed as he pitches out the first ball of the game. He doesn't get to wear his jeans too much, so they are in pristine shape.


  1. Funny comment about Jennifer Aniston! Also, don't know why but Obama always looks like he is wearing Mom jeans.

  2. レイバンはブランドサングラスのカリスマとして知れている。ハイセンス且つ高機能性、どんなファッションにもピッタリ合っちゃう。こんなサングラスの中に、最も人気高いのがレイバン wayfarerシリーズ。オシャレ番長のキミに、是非オススメ!

  3. I wonder if you have more articles about levy strauss an his work!
