03 March 2011

Where Have I Been?

I was in D.C. for several things but mostly to attend Emily Evans Eerdmans lecture:

"Mirror, Chrome, & Gin Fizz: Art Deco in Britain"

Presented by the Royal Oak Society and the Institute of Classical Architecture.

The good news is, I remembered to bring my book to get it signed.

The bad news is, I forgot a camera so I have no pictures of Emily, just the National Trust building where the lecture was held. Not only was it lovely to hear the lecture and to finally meet the lovely Triple E in the flesh, but there were other bloggers in attendance.

I also got to meet in the flesh Stefan from ArchitectDesign, which is a definite "must read" and of course "must see." You will be happy to know that Stefan remembered to bring HIS camera.

Also in attendance was Janet from...

... which is always filled with just the tidbits of info to keep one on the road to erudition.

What do bloggers talk about?

About how reading a blog is like knowing someone... but you don't really know them... but you do.

I think about people reading my blog and thinking I am cooler than I am in person! Having spent part of the day running errands and not getting back home in time to spiff up for the lecture, I went in my barn coat and tennis shoes -- business casual in West Virginia.

It was a joy to meet everyone. Lets do this again!


  1. I was so happy to meet you! I was disappointed you weren't able to join us for dinner but hopefully next time you're in town you'll let us know!

  2. We are looking forward to a presentation by E.E.E. at Memphis Brooks Museum of Art in October!

  3. What you said---and blogging is also another reminder of how small the world is and has become---I don't know Emily, for example, but I do know her uncle, and we have several mutual friends, including Janet---and so it has gone as I've traveled through the blogosphere. I wonder who you and I mutually know?

  4. great fun! wish I could have hitched a ride in your barn coat pocket. triple E- that has a great ring to it. pgt
