06 February 2011

I Am Snover Winter

This year, however, every state in the Union, sans Hawaii, has had snow. But really, I am so over the snow. I have pallor of a frog's underbelly and my skin is so dry that some mornings I look like an extra for the Walking Dead. I have spent a great deal of time sitting under the SAD light. Alas, I do not own an extension cord long enough to wear it as a fashion accessory. So in the midst of this dreariness, I have found solace in one of my favorite things -- colors. Be they pencils or crayons, there is nothing more fun than pulling out a box of colored writing sticks and being happy. So, if you are like me and need a pick-me-up that is neither drug nor caffeine related, I suggest on your next outing picking up a nice fresh box of Crayons.

Winter be gone!


  1. Couldn't agree more! I also blogged awhile back about the joy of new pencils and crayons:http://www.sarahmelling.com/2010/12/new-crayons.html

    Love your blog - I found you via "The Blue Remembered Hills"...

  2. Such a tremendous idea, the coloring and wearing the SAD light as a fashion accessory. You are brilliant.

    Sending you some well needed rays of sun. xx Deb

  3. Missing Kitty Carlisle...need a cute cat pic fix! Thanks

  4. Beautiful post - I've always been drawn (get it?) to photos of art supplies. =D
    These are a great tonic for the soul-less marathon of winter. If I put my nose up against my monitor, I can escape my own midwestern malaise.
    You can also get a sudden dose of pure optimism from the scent of fresh lemon, or the taste of lemon zest...
    Looking forward to reading your blog, which I just stumbled upon. Thanks!

  5. Damn i love crayons! their smell is simply awesome!
