23 December 2010

Cocktails at the Burn Pit -- Nog Shots

It is just too damn cold to spend quality time at the burn pit -- so we suggest moving indoors to the fireplace, wood stove or cooking stove of your choice. We are planning to gather with friends around our kitchen Christmas tree, lovingly created by Jon.

Now I know that eggnog is a Christmas favorite. By the time you add those raw eggs, sugar, heavy cream, bourbon, rum, brandy and just a dash of nutmeg, a 4 ounce glass has the caloric content of a Double Cheese Whopper. Not to mention all that booze cloaked in guise of a milkshake lends to overindulging in a big way.

Still tradition is important. When Christmas Eve rolls around and your guests are gathered around the verdant chalk wall tree, with the stove open wide and warming their chestnuts, serve them up a special Burn Pit Nog Shot.

Burn Pit Nog Shot

10 ounces of eggnog (Do feel free to buy eggnog, but spring for an organic, all natural eggnog, because it is Christmas.)

2 envelopes of gelatin (Not jello -- look for Knox - four packs to a box - so you will be able to make two batches!)

5 ounces of liquor (Be creative! I like a bourbon/rum blend 4 /1. Brandy works fine. Just bourbon, just rum, just brandy -- think about your regular eggnog recipe and improvise.)

A pinch of nutmeg

In a saucepan, bring the eggnog to a simmer. Do not boil, simmer till little bubble are around the edges of the pan, but not a full blown eruption.)

Pour the eggnog into a quart measuring cup (or small bowl, but the measuring cup makes it easier to pour).

Sprinkle the gelatin on top of the hot eggnog and let sit for a minute, then stir to dissolve. (At this point the gelatin might look a bit hinky, but just keep stirring.)

Allow the eggnog mixture to cool a bit, then pour in the alcohol. (As we do not want the buzz to be burned away.)

Pour the eggnog into small shot cups (you know those little plastic cups they put pills in at a hospital) -- about two ounces should do the trick.

Put the cups into the fridge and let sit for at least 4 hour. If you are going to make them early, set the cups on a tray and cover with cling film. Right before you serve them, grate a bit of nutmeg on the top.

A fun way to keep a tradition and improve upon it at the same time.

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