05 October 2010

The Last of My Beaton Diaries

The Wandering Years

Several weeks ago, I spent a whirlwind weekend visiting my friend Sandra, who was visiting the Delaware shore from England. It was one of those trips that included more time in the car than in an actual local, still it is always a joy to see Sandra. We share a passion for books and we are always finding things for each other that one cannot easily find across the pond --- in either direction.

This visit Sandra was carrying the final instalment of my collection of Cecil Beaton diaries. I know, they have been unexpurgated and reissued (yes, I have those, too) but there is something wonderful for a big old Beaton fan such as myself to have in my possession all six volumes of the diaries.

The Years Between

The Happy Years

The Strenuous Years

The Restless Years

The Parting Years

Say what you want about the kindle, it will never replace the printed page.


  1. I have never heard of these. They do look interesting. I can see how
    you could get hooked on them. yvonne

  2. Ugh, ya - how could the kindle ever replace such great books such as any of Beaton's works?! Maybe trashy beach reading......but nothing thats actually quality. I want to feel it in my hands, see it on my shelf and CONNECT with it; not just hit the power button

  3. I completely agree.... nothing beats the printed page! And, I don't care who says we are old school to think so....
    Nothing like the fab dust jackets, pages to turn, smell of the print, feel of it in your hand and the look of it on your shelf!!
    We are twins I do suspect, as I have all of CB's diaries and re-read them about once a year
    . Was he not the proverbial "fly on the wall" in so many amazing situations, always in the right place at the right time???? Lucky man!!!
    Brilliant post with the photos of all... so good. Thank you!!
