15 July 2010

Andrée Putman

Andrée Putman Gap ad

There are designers that one feels comfortable imitating or even hiring for a job. Then there are designers that one might never, ever hire for a project and yet, their work is so inspirational, so breathtaking that simply standing in a room and drinking it in is a must. My designer for that feeling is Andrée Putman.

I will never need a staircase like a necklace, but the mere fact that Putman designed and executed such a staircase is enough for me.

Gildo Pastor Center, Monaco, 1996

Putman built a house for her family at Grimaud. It was built entirely of recycled materials. The kitchen, while retaining Putman’s sleek style, is warm and comforting. I’m not sure I would pick it out of a lineup as being Putman’s work, but then she built it for family, her family.

Putman writes:
“To not dare is to have already lost. We should seek out ambitious, even unrealistic projects…because things only happen when we dream.”

Here's to dreaming....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, great lines of ridiculousness to me, she is saying a lot of nothing.

    Her first firm was named Ecart (which backwards is TRACE) ironic? or something more?
