11 April 2010

The Great Lady Decorators

As I mentioned previously, Friday was a zippy mail day as I received two Birthday presents for last months birthday. The first, from Ann, was a color subscription to Field Notes. The second was from Harry Lowe. It was the new Rizzoli publication, The Great Lady Decorators: The Women Who Defined Interior Design, 1870 - 1955. Oh my, I was so excited. When I opened the box, the book was still in shrink wrap. I must admit there was this moment when I just wanted to leave it that way... but I overcame the desire.

Dorothy Draper

There are the famous and well known.

Ruby Ross Wood

And some interesting but lesser known names.

Eleanor Brown

Great photographs and drawings of interiors.

Rose Cummings

And lots and lots of hats. I propose that more interior designers should sport hats.

Thanks, Harry Lowe! For those of you who don't get birthday presents from Harry Lowe, grab up a copy of The Great Lady Decorators at your earliest. There's Mother's Day and Memorial Day and it is someone's birthday...


  1. My God, I would never dare to argue with any of those dames!

    They look scarily capable!

    Best Wishes


  2. this is a fantastic book, I had already thought what a wonderful graduation gift this would be for a up and coming design student. Happy birthday to you, pgt

  3. Boy, what a determined, capable looking crew.

    And what determined, capable talents.

  4. Great Post - thank you.

    I only recently discovered your blog when I was writing a piece about Eugene Walters for my blog. I'll be stopping by often - this is just a lovely spot to hang out!

    Meanderings and Muses

  5. My education is obviously incomplete - I've never heard of any of those ladies...Rose Cummings ...maybe. Will have to go look them up!

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