08 February 2010

Those Mitford Girls, Again

Desmond Guinness' hallway to the drawing room featuring the William Acton portrait of his mother, Diana

Has the snow stranded everyone? I have been bereft without my blogs.

As for "Pin The Name On The Mitfords" little augury has posted what she believes to be the answers to the Mitford Who's Who?

Here is her list:

1 - Deborah
2 -Jessica
3- Unity
6- Diana

She is sure of 5 and 6. I am sure of 2. Any other ideas? Check this Lucindaville post to see the originals.


  1. Oh! Love this, so glad to see it in it's glory! I thought I had seen a black and white-This is such a beautiful portrait, love it on the red walls.

  2. Yep, I agree with those labels. They are in the book Love from Nancy: Letters from Nancy Mitford.
