02 September 2009

Wednesday Etiquette

Today's tip is inadmissible in a court of law. It is a bit of hearsay relayed from Tad Friend in the current issue of The Paris Review. Mr. Friend relays this tip in his essay “You Give No Inspire to the Wounded Woman in Your First Aid,” and it comes from fellow Spy Magazine compatriot, Graydon Carter.

Graydon Carter's Hangover Tips

First, coat your stomach before going out with four aspirins dissolved in milk; second, upon awakening in the morning, drink a raw egg whipped into Worcestershire sauce. Third, squeeze Visine in your eyes, shave twice, and wear a bow tie, because you feel better when you look natty, and people will notice your tie instead of your wan expression.

Looking natty is a must. There is no advice for what a woman should wear in a similar circumstance. I believe
Spy Magazine was a bit of "boy's club" so they had little advice for us girls out there. I would suggest applying lipstick TWICE and wearing RED. How natty is that!

Sharp Dressed Man -- 8½ Souvenirs

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