11 March 2009

Etiquette Wednesday

Emily Post

Need I say more? This week I am immersed in Laura Claridge's biography, Emily Post: Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners.

So far, the Civil War ends, Chicago burns to the ground, Emily's parents marry an go on the Grand Tour, Emily is born, weighing in at over 9 pounds! That's just the first 15 pages!

I am just finishing Part Three. Let's see, marriage, kids, novels (Purple and Fine Linen is a fave) scandal, divorce, etiquette books...

I'd tell you more, but I really need to get to my reading.

Here's you etiquette tip!

My handwriting sucks. But do drop me a line and do not, under any circumstances, piss off the Post Office, or the Emily Post....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for introducing me to your fantastic blog! I'm from W.V. too.
