25 February 2009

Etiquette Wednesday

It's just never too early to become a great hostess, just ask Florence Hamsher (but ask her politely!). Party Cues For Teens according to the subtitle is "a complete guide for the junior hostess."

It turns out that no matter how young you are, nor how skilled you might be at hosting a party, you will always find a "Party Nuisance." Interestingly enough, even in 1957, the party nuisances tended to be sexual predators trying to get some. As Mrs. Hamsher tells us:

"Into the life of every hostess there sometimes creeps a guest she fervently wishes had stayed at home, or at least had been brought up with better manners."
You know the one... raised by wolves. How will you know...
"The Party Wolf is easy to spot."
But not as easy as Michael J. Fox in Teen Wolf. Here are the signs...
"He either roams about the room looking for likely prey, or heads straight for the prettiest girl, and while her escort smolders, proceeds to reel out the line he feels sure will hook his victim."
In 1957 her escort might "smolder" but in 2009 he is likely to pull out a Mac-10, making Mr. Party Wolf the victim. What to do...
"If one of your guest turns out to be a party Wolf, you can put an end to his maneuvers by singling him out for special attention, or asking him to do something for you. You might ask him to show you the new dance step that has become his speciality."
Or, if there is no Mac-10, you could take him upstairs and show him your speciality. In other words....

"Try to keep him so busy he doesn't have time to monopolize the attentions of someone else's girl."
Or, you could feed him. Here's a nifty snack recipe for the junior hostess and a fitting recipe for that Party Wolf.

Teaser Dip

Combine 1/2 cup finely chopped bologna, 2 tablespoons chopped pimientos, 3/4 cup chopped ripe olives, and 3 tablespoons chopped pickles. Add a drop or two of Tabasco sauce and enough mayonnaise to moisten for dunking consistency.
Seriously, one couldn't make this up! So run right out a grab a copy of Party Cues For Teens, if not for the entertaining tips, at least for the recipes! Teaser Dip anyone?

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